Our corporate philosophy is "living with the great outdoors"
The Riviera Group continues to propose lifestyles as a lifelong partner
Riviera Zushi Marina, Malibu Farm, and Space Key Point were featured on the TBS program "Hiruobi."

One of the world's most prestigious country club, which is located in Los Angeles,
"Riviera Country Club"
Large wooden sailing ship "Cinara" built in 1927 in England
Polishing good old things to the next generation
We continue to carve a new history with our Japanese dedicated hospitality.
Riviera Future Creation Project

The Riviera Group creates a prosperous future where people and nature coexist.
In order to achieve “a sustainable society” and “growth of the company,”
In accordance with the three basic sustainability policies, we will practice activities from a future perspective.
We are promoting the SDGs in cooperation with each specialized organization.
Conclude an agreement

6 organizations including Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture and Riviera Resort Co., Ltd.
Agreement on Cooperation in Water Rescue
In the event of an emergency, we will utilize various vessels such as water scooters and rescue boats owned by six private organizations, including Riviera Resort Co., Ltd., and carry out prompt rescue activities in cooperation with the public and private sectors.This will enable rescue operations in a wide range of sea areas, etc., and is expected to further improve the safety and security of citizens and visitors to the Zushi coast.
2020 November 27th

Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture × Riviera Resort Co., Ltd.
Comprehensive agreement on assistance and cooperation in times of disaster, etc.
When land routes are cut off due to the collapse of road facilities, etc., and the region is isolated, or when disasters such as long-term power outages occur, "transport and delivery using sea routes using ships and rubber boats owned in the Riviera" and " We will provide power receiving equipment using electric vehicles at Malibu hotels that have introduced V2B systems.
2022October 19th

Kanagawa Prefecture x Riviera Resort Co., Ltd. x Blue Carbon Belt Riviera Research Institute
Agreement on collaboration and cooperation to protect the richness of Sagami Bay and realize a decarbonized society
In order to protect the richness of Sagami Bay and realize a decarbonized society, we conducted experimental research to regenerate the seaweed beds that had disappeared due to the progression of sea desertification. , We will work to create a local network centered on beach cleaning activities and revitalize the Sagami Bay coastal area.
2023 January 24th

Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture × Riviera Resort Co., Ltd.
Agreement on support for sea transportation and securing charging in the event of a disaster, etc.
When land routes are cut off due to the collapse of road facilities, etc., and the region is isolated, or when disasters such as long-term power outages occur, "transport and delivery using sea routes using ships and rubber boats owned in the Riviera" and " We will provide power receiving equipment using electric vehicles at Malibu hotels that have introduced V2B systems.
2023 May 19th
Group Company Information

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