At Riviera Resort, our mission is to create a company that is trusted by society.
We cooperate with each specialized organizations to continue our efforts to protect the global environment.


Ocean ecology

Riviera Ocean School

Carry out marine extension activities as part of supporting the development of the next generation and contributing to society. We teach children about the pleasure and beauty of the sea and the importance of protecting the environment through marine experiences, while also working on beautification of the coast.

See "Riviera Ocean School"

Research and research on battery propulsion ship "Laichou"

Operated the world's first battery-powered ship "Laicyo" as a shuttle boat in Koajiro Bay, where the Riviera Seabornia Marina is located. We are researching jointly with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, aiming for practical use as the next generation water transport.

Eelgrass nurturing support activities

Nurturing eelgrass, which is disappearing from the sea of ​​Shonan, and fully cooperating with the Yokosuka Sea Citizens' Conference, a group working on sea regeneration. By increasing the number of eelgrass, the sea is beautifully reborn and the ecosystem of marine life is protected.

Beach clean activities

We regularly carry out beach cleaning activities to collect and walk trash on nearby beaches and sidewalks. At the time of the event, customers are also invited to participate and pick up trash from the station to the venue.


Atmospheric ecology

Promotion activities for electric vehicles

In order to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the environment, we are working to spread electric vehicles through events and other events. In addition, a charging stand for customers is installed on the premises, and electric vehicles are used for company employees.


Earth ecology

Riviera farm of pesticide-free vegetables

We want to deliver healthy, delicious, safe and secure ingredients. I grow pesticide-free vegetables and herbs in my own vegetable garden. Freshly picked vegetables are served at the restaurant.

Recirculating Riviera Farm

Vegetable waste coming out of the restaurant can be revived as high quality compost at our facilities. By using the soil in our own vegetable garden, we have succeeded in producing environmentally friendly and nutritious vegetables.

View Ristorante AO Zushi Marina


Ecology of space

Polishing activities

It is an activity that began with the importance of hospitality unique to Japan, and to ensure that our customers can always enjoy comfortably. Each and every staff puts their power at their fingertips and cleans up every corner of the space.


Renewable energy initiatives

The Riviera Resort is actively participating in a project to expand the use of renewable energy. Currently, thin-film solar cells are being installed on the quay of the Riviera Zushi Marina, and efforts are being made to convert light energy into electricity.

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