Supporting the next generation of education for the future
-For a bright future-

Project introduction

Supports Room to Read

Supports the certified NPO Room to Read Japan. Under the belief that children's education will change the world, all children will develop literacy and reading habits in Asia and Africa, and complete secondary education for female students in local communities, partner organizations and governments. Support in cooperation with institutions.

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Kojiro Shiraishi Riviera Ocean School

An ocean extension activity that teaches children the joy and beauty of the ocean and the importance of protecting the environment through marine experiences. Also, efforts to beautify the coast.

Operated Japan Marine Academy (Youth Development)

Activities to foster interest in the sea, environmental preservation, how to play safely in the sea, a sense of solidarity and coordination through classes and yacht, sea kayak and boat experiences at the sea.

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Management of leader training program (for adults)

To educate young people and active seniors on the necessary skills and knowledge at sea, and foster leaders who will be responsible for future marine education.

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Clothes swim class held

Protect your life in the pool and sea bathing. To prevent drowning accidents, visit elementary schools in Zushi City and hold clothing swimming classes every year.

Support Oshima Challenge

Supporting the challenge of a round-trip voyage to Izu Oshima, held by marine adventurer Kojiro Shiraishi for children in an orphanage.

Radio program with Rikkyo University Broadcasting Study Group students

Support for the young people who will take the future seriously toward their work and create a place where they can approach their dreams.